Boutique Hotel & Restaurant
Milka Team came to be when the world shut down and braced for what seemed to be a once in a generation kind of a disruption. Times were uncertain but everyone agreed that after this event, the world will have changed. Boutique Hotel & Restaurant Milka represents that change, but one that came together through serendipitous encounters and that takes initiative to develop tourism catered to the modern traveller who not only wants to connect to an area, but also wants to create unique experiences and encounters that turn into memories of a lifetime.
From the very beginning we set out to care for the people and the planet. One of our core values was to bring the local environment into our building, to hire local artisans and to use local materials whenever it was possible. We wanted to act responsibly and we followed that principle.
As the structure grew, so did our team and our network. We have to extend a special mention to the small architectural bureau, Gartner Lifestyle Architects, whose relentless enthusiasm for all our changing ideas and corrections always landed on fertile grounds.
Our hope is to create an environment where you will feel just like at home, but better. We would love to see you leave with lasting memories and a longing to come back. Relax and let us take care of you.
Welcome to your home away from home.
Welcome to Milka.