Boutique hotel Milka is a creation of global explorations and strictly defined standards of the industry. Creating an experience that is not only expressed through curated rooms, but through a feeling that lasts from the moment you enter our grounds.

Six individually designed rooms, classified into two categories: three sumptuous Suites ranging in size and amenities on our main floors and three popular Luxury Doubles on the rooftop floor. All rooms offer breathtaking vistas over the lake and the dramatic Julian Alp Massif in the background. They are furnished with great attention to detail according to different themes which reference local environment & culture.

We designed each room with comfort and well-being on our minds and with the intention to create an unforgettable & cosy feeling for all our guests.

Find your favourite below, we cannot wait to welcome you soon. Oh, and do not forget to pack your camera.


All the rooms in our hotel are designed for a double occupancy. We therefore cater primarily to adult guests, however we also welcome teens from ages 12 and onward. Please note that we cannot accommodate more than 2 guests per room except in Cone Luxury Double where an additional bed can be set up. Our beds cannot be separated into twin beds.


All rooms Luxury double Suite

Garden Suite

The perfect intimate retreat in the Julian Alps, 50m² Garden Suite with a 35m² private terrace featuring an outdoor hot tub and a lush garden. The separate lounge acts as a secluded resting area, offering views and an entrance to the outdoor balcony. To us, this room with all its nooks evokes feelings of discovery, while zen is always flirting through the lushness.

The room features a king size bed, with extended leg room, while the bathroom is equipped with black & white onyx tiles and features a double basin, bidet and a walk-in shower.

Rock Suite

Spacious and elegantly decorated with a unique rock that gave this room its name, the 45m² Rock Suite provides comfort and plenty of space to relax. Self standing bathtub is the centrepiece of the room overlooking the lake and the mountains. Small private outdoor patio provides a perfect setting for al fresco aperitivo. To us, this room evokes intimacy and a feeling of a snug warm hug.

The room features a king size bed, an inviting lounge and a discreet walk-in wardrobe.

The bathroom is equipped with black & white onyx tiles and features a walk-in shower.

Alpine Suite

Fluidity and open lofty spaces mark our 58m² Alpine Suite. From the moment you enter, the entire room opens up and bathes you in views from all corners, shimmering in stone features. Self standing bathtub, stylish sofa, walk-through wardrobe and a balcony with the broadest viewing angle mark this suite unique. To us, this room is airy & light and it evokes feelings of infinity and utter luxury.

The room features a king size bed, with extended leg room, while the bathroom is equipped with black & white onyx tiles and features a double basin, bidet and a walk-in shower, behind a double glass door.

Pine Luxury Double

Pine & Cone Luxury double duo is a play of opposites. A yin & a yang. Pine is 23m² double room featuring an open space bedroom that merges with the bathroom area. There is a double walk-in shower, a tucked away reading nook, electrically dimmable windows and two ceiling windows that expand into two balconies overlooking the mountains and the lake. To us, this room feels like a book worm’s paradise: hours can easily go by unnoticed.

The room features a king size bed, open space bathroom equipped with black & white onyx tiles and features a double walk-in shower.

Cone Luxury Double

Cone & Pine Luxury double duo is a play of opposites. A yin & a yang. Cone is 30m² double room featuring an open space bedroom that merges with the bathroom area. There is a walk-in shower as well as a self standing bathtub, cosy lounge area, electrically dimmable windows and two ceiling windows that expand into two balconies overlooking the mountains and the lake. To us, this room feels like indulgence and self-pampering all the while having a perfect bird’s eye perspective of the area.

The room features a king size bed, open space bathroom is equipped with black & white onyx tiles and features both a walk-in shower and a self standing bathtub. Extra single bed is already incorporated in this room and can be made if requested.

Lake Luxury Double

Our smallest 18m² Luxury double is truly one of a kind. The cinematic panorama follows you at every step and unfolds throughout the day. Elevated double bed hidden behind a thin veil of fabric elegantly closes the bedroom area from the rest of the room. To us, this room has always evoked a feeling of closeness and affection, a place we commonly dubbed the “honeymoon suite”.

The room features a king size bed, self standing bathtub with superb bird’s eye perspective and all the windows in the room are electrically dimmable. The bathroom is equipped with white onyx tiles and features a walk-in shower.


We are there for you

Your wellbeing is important to us and we would like you to feel relaxed and taken care of while staying with us. Our whole team is dedicated to excellence with a strong ethic to serve whilst you are with us and will be happy to further connect you to the area when you leave.

Additionally, for your pleasure and comfort we have expanded the variety of our bespoke services with local dedicated professionals.

Kick start your day


The idea behind all our meals is to provide a unique dining experience. Following this mantra, our breakfasts are served, beautifully presented, mouth-wateringly good and basically a reason to wake up every morning with excitement.


Bar & room service

Our bar serves as a pit stop on your way to the restaurant or a distraction on your way to the facilities. It might be small in size but it can deliver a punch.

Refuelling in the comfort of your room is a welcome option we gladly provide.



Finnish sauna for two people is available throughout the day to our overnight guests. Sessions are private and can be booked ahead of time.

Move around


The nature surrounding us feels unreal: green, healthy & extremely beautiful. Our activities mimic the environment and hence range from leisurely walk in nature, to healthy sweats and extreme options for those who want to go the extra mile.

Stow away

Bike & Ski room

Secure room to store your skiing equipment in winter or bikes in summer. We welcome and support active lifestyle options and we are there for you in case you need help with your gear.

How our guests experienced their stay at Milka


Lovely place to stay. We had the smallest room, but that was so cosy and perfect with the double shower and the view was amazing on the lake and the mountains. Also the food in your restaurant blows me away. The menu was excellent!! A big compliment to the chef.
We had an unforgettable stay.

Lep hotel za bivanje. Imeli smo najmanjšo sobo, vendar je bila tako udobna in popolna z dvojno prho in čudovitim razgledom na jezero in gore. Tudi hrana v vaši restavraciji me je navdušila. Jedilnik je bil odličen!! Velik kompliment za chefa.
Imeli smo nepozabno bivanje.

Kris V.
5 August 2023

Dopo aver provato il ristorante un mese fa ed esserne rimasti entusiasti, incuriositi dall’hotel abbiamo deciso di soggiornarvi un weekend. Abbiamo pernottato nella Rock Suite e posso affermare senza alcuna ombra di dubbio che sia la camera più bella, curata ed emozionante in cui siamo mai stati. Non c’era una cosa fuori posto, il servizio è stato eccellente e le ragazze alla reception super gentili. Se lo consiglio? Lo renderei obbligatorio come esperienza nella vita! Grazie di tutto

Potem ko smo pred mesecem poskusili restavracijo in bili nad njo navdušeni, nas je zanimal hotel, smo se odločili, da ostanemo tam za vikend. Bivali smo v apartmaju Rock in brez kančka dvoma lahko rečem, da je to najlepša, urejena in najbolj razburljiva soba, v kateri smo kadarkoli bivali. Vse je bilo na mestu, postrežba je bila odlična in dekleta na recepciji super prijazna. Ga priporočam? Jaz bi to naredil kot obvezno izkušnjo v življenju! Hvala za vse

After trying the restaurant a month ago and being enthusiastic about it, intrigued by the hotel we decided to stay there for a weekend. We stayed in the Rock Suite and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the most beautiful, well-kept and exciting room we have ever stayed in. There wasn’t a thing out of place, the service was excellent and the girls at the reception were super nice. Do I recommend it? I would make it mandatory as an experience in life! Thanks for everything

Eva D.
22 January 2023

Honestly, dining at Milka was a flawless experience. The entire hotel is filled with warm and welcoming staff that are enthusiastic and proud of the unique destination they are able to share with you. Milka is all the good words you can think of.

Iskreno povedano, večerja v Milki je bila brezhibna izkušnja. Celoten hotel je napolnjen s toplim in prijaznim osebjem, ki je navdušeno in ponosno na edinstveno destinacijo, ki jo lahko delijo z vami. Milka je vse dobre besede, ki si jih lahko zamislite.

Barbara B.
19 September 2022

We absolutely loved our time at Milka! The location was spectacular, the staff was so incredibly warm, the room was gorgeous and the food was just unbelievable. Definitely recommending to everyone!

Naš čas v Milki nam je bil naravnost všeč! Lokacija je bila spektakularna, osebje je bilo tako neverjetno toplo, soba je bila čudovita in hrana je bila preprosto neverjetna. Vsekakor priporočam vsem!

Rachel S.
25 August 2023

Siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti del posto ma soprattutto del servizio!

Zelo smo bili zadovoljni s krajem, predvsem pa s storitvijo!

We were very happy with the place but especially with the service!

Gaia T.
2 November 2022

Outstanding accommodation. No detail unattended. Remarkable commitment to detail, design, comfort, and aesthetics. The restaurant is 3 star Michelin in my view. Great people all service minded.

Izjemna namestitev. Nobena podrobnost ostane neopažena. Izjemna predanost detajlom, dizajnu, udobju in estetiki. Restavracija ima po mojem mnenju 3 Michelinove zvezdice. Odlični ljudje, ki so naklonjeni storitvam.

David S.
19 August 2022

Vrhunska izkušnja v enem najlepših hotelov. Krasen ambient in odlična kulinarika. Pristno prijazno osebje, ki se trudi gostu ugoditi v vsem. Zares vredno obiska!

A superb experience in one of the most beautiful hotels. Beautiful ambience and excellent cuisine. Genuinely friendly staff who try to please the guest in everything. Really worth a visit!

Mojca K.
19 December 2022

I’ve really appreciated the kindess of the staff and customer care.
I really recommend this piace! Stunning landscape over the mountains and lake!! The perfect place for the perfect honeymoon and romantic days. Our room was excellently decorated in every details. Really good bath products.

Zelo sem cenila prijaznost osebja in skrb za stranke.
Resnično priporočam ta piace! Osupljiva pokrajina nad gorami in jezerom!! Popoln kraj za popolne medene tedne in romantične dni. Naša soba je bila odlično urejena v vseh podrobnostih. Res dobri kopalni izdelki.

Maria G. F.
19 September 2022

We stayed at Milka while traveling around Slovenia on our honeymoon, and the stay couldn’t have been better. The boutique hotel is beautiful and very well appointed, the view of the Julian Alps is stunning and the proximity to both Kranjska Gora and Triglav for the national park and the Vrsic pass is unbeatable. Eating at Milka is an incredible experience and with them receiving their second Michelin Star I have no doubt a stay at Milka has become a destination point itself!

Med potovanjem po Sloveniji na medenih tednih sva bivala v Milki in bivanje ne bi moglo biti boljše. Butični hotel je lep in zelo dobro urejen, pogled na Julijske Alpe je osupljiv, bližina Kranjske Gore in Triglava za narodni park in prelaz Vršič pa je neprekosljiva. Jesti v Milki je neverjetna izkušnja in ko so prejeli svojo drugo Michelinovo zvezdico, ne dvomim, da je bivanje v Milki postalo ciljna točka!

Kenneth M.
10 October 2023

Thank you for this extraordinary stay. The staff and everything’s around the concept of the hotel is excellent while making you fell like coming home. It’s not just a hotel but an entire experience. 🫶🏻

Hvala za to izjemno bivanje. Osebje in vse, kar je povezano s konceptom hotela, je odlično, hkrati pa poskrbi, da se boste počutili, kot bi se vrnili domov. To ni samo hotel, ampak celotna izkušnja.

6 October 2022
The Milka team

Dedicated & professional

This is our team. We believe the strongest teams stand together and act as one. Smooth sailing on the surface and hard work underneath it. Like the ducks on the surface of Jasna lake. No matter what, we are always there for you.

From our journal