Boutique Hotel & Restaurant Milka***
Vršiška cesta 45
4280 Kranjska Gora
+386 59 77 95 95
+386 59 77 95 90
Milka is a unique boutique experience in the heart of the Julian Alps. This pristine Alpine backdrop was an opportunity for the team of enthusiastic young professionals to take on the challenge of creating and sharing the finest encounter with Slovene cuisine & culture.
Our collective experiences have been harnessed around the world and are expressed through our unique take on design, gastronomy & service.
We are eagerly waiting to share our story with you.
Welcome to Milka
Inspiration for our food took root in the local environment. A lot of thought went into designing each dish, to ensure every bite is a delectable memory.
The hotel is designed to perfection with thought put into every last detail. The staff is warm, engaging, and personable and all seem to very much enjoy their jobs. The restaurant is exceptional by global standards and is worth a special trip itself.
Hotel je zasnovan do popolnosti s premislekom v vsaki podrobnosti. Osebje je toplo in prijazno in zdi se, da vsi zelo uživajo v svojem delu. Restavracija je izjemna po svetovnih merilih in vredna posebnega izleta že sama po sebi.
Wir hatten ein tolle Zeit im Milka inkl. Gourmetabendessen.
Das Menü inklusive Weinbegleitung war ein sensationeller und intensiver Genuss! Und jeden Euro wert.
Definitv ein zweiter Michelin Stern fällig = einen Umweg wert!
Auch das Frühstück ein Gaumenschmeichler inklusive einem herausragnden Service im Hotel und im Restaurant.
V Milki smo se imeli super, vključno z gurmansko večerjo.
Meni z vinsko spremljavo je bil senzacionalen in intenziven užitek! In vreden vsakega evra.
Vsekakor zaradi druge Michelinove zvezdice = vredno ovinek!
Zajtrk je tudi kulinarični užitek, vključno z vrhunsko postrežbo v hotelu in restavraciji.
We had a great time at Milka including a gourmet dinner.
The menu including wine accompaniment was a sensational and intense enjoyment! And worth every euro.
Definitely due for a second Michelin star = worth a detour!
The breakfast is also a culinary delight, including outstanding service in the hotel and restaurant.
Zelo lepa in izbrano opremljena soba s krasnim pogledom na jezero in okoliške gore.Bogat in okusen zajtrk. Osebje je izredno prijazno.
A very nice and carefully furnished room with a wonderful view of the lake and the surrounding mountains. Rich and tasty breakfast. The staff is extremely friendly.
A truly fantastic stay with service, F&B and room hardware delivered to the very highest international standard, in a truly privileged and spectacular setting. It’s hard to think what more you could ask for in a luxury boutique hotel!
Resnično fantastično bivanje s storitvami, hrano in pijačo ter sobno strojno opremo, ki je na voljo po najvišjih mednarodnih standardih, v resnično privilegiranem in spektakularnem okolju. Težko si je zamisliti, kaj več bi si lahko želeli od luksuznega butičnega hotela!
Honestly, dining at Milka was a flawless experience. The entire hotel is filled with warm and welcoming staff that are enthusiastic and proud of the unique destination they are able to share with you. Milka is all the good words you can think of.
Iskreno povedano, večerja v Milki je bila brezhibna izkušnja. Celoten hotel je napolnjen s toplim in prijaznim osebjem, ki je navdušeno in ponosno na edinstveno destinacijo, ki jo lahko delijo z vami. Milka je vse dobre besede, ki si jih lahko zamislite.
Wir haben eine Nacht im Milka Boutique Hotel verbracht und es war ein wunderbares Erlebnis! Der Service war exzellent, die Mitarbeiter sehr engagiert und das Abendessen war ein Genuss. Das Hotel liegt direkt gegenüber vom See, sodass wir nach der Sauna uns darin erfrischen konnten. Wir kommen gerne wieder und werden das Hotel auch unseren Freunden weiterempfehlen.
Preživeli smo eno noč v Milka Boutique Hotelu in bila je čudovita izkušnja! Postrežba je bila odlična, osebje zelo privlačno in večerja je bila prava poslastica. Hotel je ravno nasproti jezera, da smo se lahko po savnanju ohladili v njem. Radi bi se vrnili in bomo hotel priporočili svojim prijateljem.
We spent one night at Milka Boutique Hotel and it was a wonderful experience! The service was excellent, the staff very engaging and the dinner was a treat. The hotel is right across from the lake so we could cool off in it after the sauna. We would love to come back and will recommend the hotel to our friends.
We enjoyed so much our stay, the room was lovely, the restaurant is amazing, the location is perfect, and staff was so nice. Thanks again for the birthday card and cake!
Zelo smo uživali v našem bivanju, soba je bila čudovita, restavracija je neverjetna, lokacija je popolna in osebje je bilo tako prijazno. Še enkrat hvala za rojstnodnevno čestitko in torto!
Izjemna izkušnja že od samega prihoda v hotel. Soba je imela čaroben razgled na jezero, a je omogočala tudi vso potrebno romantično intimnost. Še posebej čudovita je bila desethodna večerja, ki je navduševala s kombinacijami okusov in tekstur od začetnih pozdravov iz kuhinje do sladice, ki je obudila spomin na otroške zajtrke.
An exceptional experience from the very moment of arrival at the hotel. The room had a magical view of the lake, but also allowed for all the necessary romantic intimacy. The ten-course dinner was especially wonderful, which delighted with the combinations of flavours and textures from the initial greetings from the kitchen to the dessert, which brought back the memory of childhood breakfasts.
Izjemno doživetje na vseh nivojih ponudbe.
An exceptional experience at all levels of the offer.
Dopo aver provato il ristorante un mese fa ed esserne rimasti entusiasti, incuriositi dall’hotel abbiamo deciso di soggiornarvi un weekend. Abbiamo pernottato nella Rock Suite e posso affermare senza alcuna ombra di dubbio che sia la camera più bella, curata ed emozionante in cui siamo mai stati. Non c’era una cosa fuori posto, il servizio è stato eccellente e le ragazze alla reception super gentili. Se lo consiglio? Lo renderei obbligatorio come esperienza nella vita! Grazie di tutto
Potem ko smo pred mesecem poskusili restavracijo in bili nad njo navdušeni, nas je zanimal hotel, smo se odločili, da ostanemo tam za vikend. Bivali smo v apartmaju Rock in brez kančka dvoma lahko rečem, da je to najlepša, urejena in najbolj razburljiva soba, v kateri smo kadarkoli bivali. Vse je bilo na mestu, postrežba je bila odlična in dekleta na recepciji super prijazna. Ga priporočam? Jaz bi to naredil kot obvezno izkušnjo v življenju! Hvala za vse
After trying the restaurant a month ago and being enthusiastic about it, intrigued by the hotel we decided to stay there for a weekend. We stayed in the Rock Suite and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the most beautiful, well-kept and exciting room we have ever stayed in. There wasn’t a thing out of place, the service was excellent and the girls at the reception were super nice. Do I recommend it? I would make it mandatory as an experience in life! Thanks for everything
The fact that we are in this breathtakingly preserved environment shows the care of previous generations. Our task is to keep up the good work for those who come after us. Thus the care for people and the planet goes beyond just an idea.
Emphasis was put on proximity. The crossroads between the Alps and the Mediterranean means we live in a region full of creative minds and ample options we could look to. Here are a few examples:
We are proud of these endeavours. We are aware that responsibility does not end there, but continues to be our guiding principle for everything we are yet to do.