Boutique Hotel & Restaurant Milka***
Vršiška cesta 45
4280 Kranjska Gora
+386 59 77 95 95
+386 59 77 95 90
Milka is a unique boutique experience in the heart of the Julian Alps. This pristine Alpine backdrop was an opportunity for the team of enthusiastic young professionals to take on the challenge of creating and sharing the finest encounter with Slovene cuisine & culture.
Our collective experiences have been harnessed around the world and are expressed through our unique take on design, gastronomy & service.
We are eagerly waiting to share our story with you.
Welcome to Milka
Inspiration for our food took root in the local environment. A lot of thought went into designing each dish, to ensure every bite is a delectable memory.
A magical experience! The room itself was a delight with an incredible view. But the dining? Beyond words. It’s easily deserving of 2, if not 3, Michelin stars. One of the finest gastronomic experiences we’ve ever had, complemented by impeccable service that was both charming and professional. We left in awe. Highly recommended!
Čarobna izkušnja! Sama soba nas je navdušila z neverjetnim razgledom. Toda jedilnica? Onkraj besed. Zlahka si zasluži 2, če ne 3 Michelinove zvezdice. Ena najboljših gastronomskih izkušenj, ki smo jih kdaj imeli, dopolnjena z brezhibno postrežbo, ki je bila hkrati očarljiva in profesionalna. Odšli smo osupli. Zelo priporočljivo!
Povratne informacije
Siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti del posto ma soprattutto del servizio!
Zelo smo bili zadovoljni s krajem, predvsem pa s storitvijo!
We were very happy with the place but especially with the service!
I’ve really appreciated the kindess of the staff and customer care.
I really recommend this piace! Stunning landscape over the mountains and lake!! The perfect place for the perfect honeymoon and romantic days. Our room was excellently decorated in every details. Really good bath products.
Zelo sem cenila prijaznost osebja in skrb za stranke.
Resnično priporočam ta piace! Osupljiva pokrajina nad gorami in jezerom!! Popoln kraj za popolne medene tedne in romantične dni. Naša soba je bila odlično urejena v vseh podrobnostih. Res dobri kopalni izdelki.
Amazing hotel, lovely staff! One of my favourite hotels I’ve stayed in. Cant wait to return with some friends/family and enjoy more of the experiences the hotel has to offer!
Čudovit hotel, prijazno osebje! Eden mojih najljubših hotelov, v katerem sem bival. Komaj čakam, da se vrnem s prijatelji/družino in uživam v dodatnih izkušnjah, ki jih hotel ponuja!
Butični manjši hotel resnično nudi nepozabno in enkratno doživetje na pravljični lokaciji, v prekrasni suiti, z vrhunsko kulinarično izkušnjo, slovensko kozmetiko in izjemno gostoljubnim osebjem. Prelep spomin za vedno.
The small boutique hotel truly offers an unforgettable and unique experience in a fairytale location, in a beautiful suite, with a superb culinary experience, Slovenian cosmetics and extremely hospitable staff. A beautiful memory forever.
The Milka was a charming place overlooking Lake Jasna. The view from the room and breakfast table was breathtaking. Hotel amenities were complete. The staff made us felt at home and was always on hand if we had any questions. Will definitely be a destination we would want to return to again and again.
Milka je bila očarljivo mesto s pogledom na jezero Jasna. Pogled iz sobe in zajtrkovalne mize je bil osupljiv. Hotelska ponudba je bila popolna. Osebje je poskrbelo, da smo se počutili kot doma in nam je bilo vedno na voljo, če smo imeli kakršna koli vprašanja. Vsekakor bo to destinacija, kamor se bomo radi vračali znova in znova.
Milka Boutique Hotel wasgoed us THE full experience. We have seen a lot of hotels around the world but Milka is number one of our list. Rooms are indescribable beautiful, views when you wake up like a postcard! And the staff is so kind. Thank you so much!!! And a suggestion for all future guests….book the sauna…. A true experience.
Milka Boutique Hotel nam je prinesel popolno izkušnjo. Videli smo veliko hotelov po vsem svetu, vendar je Milka številka ena na našem seznamu. Sobe so nepopisno lepe, razgledi ko se zbudiš kot z razglednice! In osebje je tako prijazno. Najlepša hvala!!! Pa še predlog za vse bodoče goste….rezervirajte savno…. Pravo doživetje.
Milka is as beautiful, friendly, comfortable, cozy and homy as a little boutique hotel/restaurant can get. A true gem in Slovenia with feel-good-rooms and immaculate service. The restaurant fully deserves the Michelin stars and the overall quality of the kitchen under Chef David Žefran surpasses any Michelin evaluation. Not only the striking dinner menu with regionally sourced ingredients but also the breakfast of the hotel served by the same kitchen is a proof. Their breakfast omelette with herbs was the very best we had anywhere. It looks like a detail but it is a profound sign of the degree of love, ethics and perfection a restaurant nourishes in its métier.
Milka je tako lepa, prijazna, udobna, prijetna in domača, kot jo lahko dobi majhen butični hotel/restavracija. Pravi biser v Sloveniji s sobami za dobro počutje in brezhibno postrežbo. Restavracija si popolnoma zasluži Michelinove zvezdice in splošna kakovost kuhinje pod vodstvom chefa Davida Žefrana presega vse Michelinove ocene. Dokaz ni le osupljiv večerni meni z regionalnimi sestavinami, ampak tudi hotelski zajtrk, ki ga streže ista kuhinja. Njihova omleta za zajtrk z zelišči je bila najboljša, kar smo jih kjerkoli jedli. Videti je kot detajl, vendar je globok znak stopnje ljubezni, etike in popolnosti, ki jo restavracija neguje v svojem poslu.
Thank you so much to all the team. Thanks to you we had a wonderful experience at your place.
Najlepša hvala vsej ekipi. Zahvaljujoč vam smo imeli čudovito izkušnjo pri vas.
We stayed at Milka while traveling around Slovenia on our honeymoon, and the stay couldn’t have been better. The boutique hotel is beautiful and very well appointed, the view of the Julian Alps is stunning and the proximity to both Kranjska Gora and Triglav for the national park and the Vrsic pass is unbeatable. Eating at Milka is an incredible experience and with them receiving their second Michelin Star I have no doubt a stay at Milka has become a destination point itself!
Med potovanjem po Sloveniji na medenih tednih sva bivala v Milki in bivanje ne bi moglo biti boljše. Butični hotel je lep in zelo dobro urejen, pogled na Julijske Alpe je osupljiv, bližina Kranjske Gore in Triglava za narodni park in prelaz Vršič pa je neprekosljiva. Jesti v Milki je neverjetna izkušnja in ko so prejeli svojo drugo Michelinovo zvezdico, ne dvomim, da je bivanje v Milki postalo ciljna točka!
The fact that we are in this breathtakingly preserved environment shows the care of previous generations. Our task is to keep up the good work for those who come after us. Thus the care for people and the planet goes beyond just an idea.
Emphasis was put on proximity. The crossroads between the Alps and the Mediterranean means we live in a region full of creative minds and ample options we could look to. Here are a few examples:
We are proud of these endeavours. We are aware that responsibility does not end there, but continues to be our guiding principle for everything we are yet to do.