Boutique Hotel & Restaurant Milka***
Vršiška cesta 45
4280 Kranjska Gora
+386 59 77 95 95
+386 59 77 95 90
Milka is a unique boutique experience in the heart of the Julian Alps. This pristine Alpine backdrop was an opportunity for the team of enthusiastic young professionals to take on the challenge of creating and sharing the finest encounter with Slovene cuisine & culture.
Our collective experiences have been harnessed around the world and are expressed through our unique take on design, gastronomy & service.
We are eagerly waiting to share our story with you.
Welcome to Milka
Inspiration for our food took root in the local environment. A lot of thought went into designing each dish, to ensure every bite is a delectable memory.
Butični manjši hotel resnično nudi nepozabno in enkratno doživetje na pravljični lokaciji, v prekrasni suiti, z vrhunsko kulinarično izkušnjo, slovensko kozmetiko in izjemno gostoljubnim osebjem. Prelep spomin za vedno.
The small boutique hotel truly offers an unforgettable and unique experience in a fairytale location, in a beautiful suite, with a superb culinary experience, Slovenian cosmetics and extremely hospitable staff. A beautiful memory forever.
Odlična lokacija in nastanitev, ter prijazno osebje.
Excellent location and accommodation, and friendly staff.
Amazing hotel. Everything in the hotel and the room is well thought out, the entire staff is incredible and the breakfast is extraordinary – one you’ll only find in a small hotel that runs a 2 star Michelin restaurant (which was incredible as well).
Čudovit hotel. Vse v hotelu in sobi je dobro premišljeno, celotno osebje je neverjetno in zajtrk je izjemen – takšnega, ki ga boste našli le v majhnem hotelu, ki ima Michelinovo restavracijo z 2 zvezdicama (ki je bila prav tako neverjetna).
Vrhunska izkušnja v enem najlepših hotelov. Krasen ambient in odlična kulinarika. Pristno prijazno osebje, ki se trudi gostu ugoditi v vsem. Zares vredno obiska!
A superb experience in one of the most beautiful hotels. Beautiful ambience and excellent cuisine. Genuinely friendly staff who try to please the guest in everything. Really worth a visit!
Ausgezeichnetes Hotel.
Tolle Lage am See.
Sehr gutes nachhaltiges Konzept und schöne Wohlfühlatmosphere im Hotel & der Lake Suite.
Besonders positiv zu bewerten ist das Restaurant und das Servicepersonal. Es war ein fantastischer Abend und ein geschmacklich überraschend perfektes Menü. Vielen Dank.
Odličen hotel.
Odlična lokacija ob jezeru.
Zelo dober trajnostni koncept in prijetno vzdušje dobrega počutja v hotelu in apartmaju Lake.
Restavracija in strežno osebje sta še posebej pozitivna. Bil je fantastičen večer in presenetljivo popoln meni. Hvala vam.
Excellent hotel.
Great location by the lake.
Very good sustainable concept and a nice feel-good atmosphere in the hotel and the Lake Suite.
The restaurant and the service staff are particularly positive. It was a fantastic evening and a surprisingly perfect menu. Thank you.
Vse pohvale, vrhunska zgodba, izkušnja, hrana, ponudba. Romantično, neprecenljiv razgled. Savna odlična. Bogat zajtrk, izjemna večerja.
All praises, superb story, experience, food, offer. Romantic, priceless view. The sauna is excellent. Rich breakfast, exceptional dinner.
We stayed at Milka while traveling around Slovenia on our honeymoon, and the stay couldn’t have been better. The boutique hotel is beautiful and very well appointed, the view of the Julian Alps is stunning and the proximity to both Kranjska Gora and Triglav for the national park and the Vrsic pass is unbeatable. Eating at Milka is an incredible experience and with them receiving their second Michelin Star I have no doubt a stay at Milka has become a destination point itself!
Med potovanjem po Sloveniji na medenih tednih sva bivala v Milki in bivanje ne bi moglo biti boljše. Butični hotel je lep in zelo dobro urejen, pogled na Julijske Alpe je osupljiv, bližina Kranjske Gore in Triglava za narodni park in prelaz Vršič pa je neprekosljiva. Jesti v Milki je neverjetna izkušnja in ko so prejeli svojo drugo Michelinovo zvezdico, ne dvomim, da je bivanje v Milki postalo ciljna točka!
Outstanding accommodation. No detail unattended. Remarkable commitment to detail, design, comfort, and aesthetics. The restaurant is 3 star Michelin in my view. Great people all service minded.
Izjemna namestitev. Nobena podrobnost ostane neopažena. Izjemna predanost detajlom, dizajnu, udobju in estetiki. Restavracija ima po mojem mnenju 3 Michelinove zvezdice. Odlični ljudje, ki so naklonjeni storitvam.
Izjemno doživetje na vseh nivojih ponudbe.
An exceptional experience at all levels of the offer.
We had a wonderful time at Milka. Our only regret was that we could not stay longer. The service provided by Daniella and her colleagues was superb, the hotel itself was lovely and the views from our room were spectacular. We ate in the restaurant and it was one of the best restaurant meals my wife and I have enjoyed, both food and service were of the highest quality. The breakfast was also very good. I would not hesitate to recommend Milka and hope to return at some point.
V Milki smo se imeli čudovito. Edino obžalovali smo, da nismo mogli ostati dlje. Storitve, ki so jih nudili Daniella in njeni sodelavci, so bile odlične, sam hotel je bil čudovit in razgledi iz naše sobe so bili spektakularni. Jedli smo v restavraciji in to je bil eden najboljših restavracijskih obrokov, v katerih sva uživala z ženo, tako hrana kot postrežba sta bili najvišje kakovosti. Tudi zajtrk je bil zelo dober. Brez oklevanja priporočam Milko in upam, da se kdaj vrnem.
The fact that we are in this breathtakingly preserved environment shows the care of previous generations. Our task is to keep up the good work for those who come after us. Thus the care for people and the planet goes beyond just an idea.
Emphasis was put on proximity. The crossroads between the Alps and the Mediterranean means we live in a region full of creative minds and ample options we could look to. Here are a few examples:
We are proud of these endeavours. We are aware that responsibility does not end there, but continues to be our guiding principle for everything we are yet to do.