Milka is a unique boutique experience in the heart of the Julian Alps. This pristine Alpine backdrop was an opportunity for the team of enthusiastic young professionals to take on the challenge of creating and sharing the finest encounter with Slovene cuisine & culture.

Our collective experiences have been harnessed around the world and are expressed through our unique take on design, gastronomy & service.

We are eagerly waiting to share our story with you.

Welcome to Milka

Boutique Hotel

Home away from home

Our hotel is true to world’s boutique standards: every room is uniquely designed, with sumptuous comfort & unparalleled service in an Alpine setting, a small fine dining restaurant with lunch & dinner service and a private sauna for two.

Guest comfort for us is like hosting family and friends. This means you can switch off and we will switch on for you. We would love Milka to be your refuge away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Regional culinary EXPERIENCE

Inspiration for our food took root in the local environment. A lot of thought went into designing each dish, to ensure every bite is a delectable memory.

How our guests experienced their stay at Milka


I had the luxury of staying at Boutique Hotel Milka for an entire week during a conference in Kranska Gora. From the hotel it was easy to walk to town (15-20 minutes) along the paved sidewalk next to the road or using the trail next to the river. Between the gorgeous rooms (with spectacular views), the attentive staff, and amazing breakfasts, I would return to Slovenia just to stay here again.

Boutique Hotelu Milka sem si privoščil razkošje bivanja cel teden med konferenco v Kranski Gori. Od hotela je bilo enostavno hoditi do mesta (15-20 minut) po asfaltiranem pločniku ob cesti ali po poti ob reki. Zaradi čudovite sobe (s spektakularnimi razgledi), pozornega osebja in neverjetnih zajtrkob bi se vrnil v Slovenijo, samo da bi spet bival tukaj.

17 March 2024

Siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti del posto ma soprattutto del servizio!

Zelo smo bili zadovoljni s krajem, predvsem pa s storitvijo!

We were very happy with the place but especially with the service!

Gaia T.
2 November 2022

I’ve really appreciated the kindess of the staff and customer care.
I really recommend this piace! Stunning landscape over the mountains and lake!! The perfect place for the perfect honeymoon and romantic days. Our room was excellently decorated in every details. Really good bath products.

Zelo sem cenila prijaznost osebja in skrb za stranke.
Resnično priporočam ta piace! Osupljiva pokrajina nad gorami in jezerom!! Popoln kraj za popolne medene tedne in romantične dni. Naša soba je bila odlično urejena v vseh podrobnostih. Res dobri kopalni izdelki.

Maria G. F.
19 September 2022

Izjemna izkušnja že od samega prihoda v hotel. Soba je imela čaroben razgled na jezero, a je omogočala tudi vso potrebno romantično intimnost. Še posebej čudovita je bila desethodna večerja, ki je navduševala s kombinacijami okusov in tekstur od začetnih pozdravov iz kuhinje do sladice, ki je obudila spomin na otroške zajtrke.

An exceptional experience from the very moment of arrival at the hotel. The room had a magical view of the lake, but also allowed for all the necessary romantic intimacy. The ten-course dinner was especially wonderful, which delighted with the combinations of flavours and textures from the initial greetings from the kitchen to the dessert, which brought back the memory of childhood breakfasts.

Boštjan G.
3 January 2023

This was our best hospitality experience so far. Beautiful, cozy, spacious and useful rooms, food (and wine) and service was incredible, staff is very kind, knowledgeable and very friendly. The hotel is so beautiful, and offers stunning lake views. Absolutely unforgettable experience. Thank you❤️

To je bila naša najboljša izkušnja doslej. Lepe, udobne, prostorne in uporabne sobe, hrana (in vino) in postrežba sta bili neverjetni, osebje je zelo strokovno in zelo prijazno. Hotel je tako lep in ponuja čudovit razgled na jezero. Absolutno nepozabno doživetje. Hvala ❤️

12 January 2024

Wir hatten ein tolle Zeit im Milka inkl. Gourmetabendessen.
Das Menü inklusive Weinbegleitung war ein sensationeller und intensiver Genuss! Und jeden Euro wert.
Definitv ein zweiter Michelin Stern fällig = einen Umweg wert!
Auch das Frühstück ein Gaumenschmeichler inklusive einem herausragnden Service im Hotel und im Restaurant.

V Milki smo se imeli super, vključno z gurmansko večerjo.
Meni z vinsko spremljavo je bil senzacionalen in intenziven užitek! In vreden vsakega evra.
Vsekakor zaradi druge Michelinove zvezdice = vredno ovinek!
Zajtrk je tudi kulinarični užitek, vključno z vrhunsko postrežbo v hotelu in restavraciji.

We had a great time at Milka including a gourmet dinner.
The menu including wine accompaniment was a sensational and intense enjoyment! And worth every euro.
Definitely due for a second Michelin star = worth a detour!
The breakfast is also a culinary delight, including outstanding service in the hotel and restaurant.

Ulrike S.
24 May 2023

The Milka was a charming place overlooking Lake Jasna. The view from the room and breakfast table was breathtaking. Hotel amenities were complete. The staff made us felt at home and was always on hand if we had any questions. Will definitely be a destination we would want to return to again and again.

Milka je bila očarljivo mesto s pogledom na jezero Jasna. Pogled iz sobe in zajtrkovalne mize je bil osupljiv. Hotelska ponudba je bila popolna. Osebje je poskrbelo, da smo se počutili kot doma in nam je bilo vedno na voljo, če smo imeli kakršna koli vprašanja. Vsekakor bo to destinacija, kamor se bomo radi vračali znova in znova.

3 May 2023

Great location and experience!! The resort is small, but Everything was perfect: staff superb and amazing view. The Michelin star restaurant was excellent; exquisite food and faultless service in a gorgeous atmosphere. Our Suite was huge and modern ….HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Odlična lokacija in izkušnja!! Letovišče je majhno, a vse je bilo popolno: osebje odlično in čudovit razgled. Restavracija z Michelinovo zvezdico je bila odlična; odlična hrana in brezhibna postrežba v čudovitem ambientu. Naš apartma je bil ogromen in sodoben … ZELO PRIPOROČAMO

17 July 2023

Amazing hotel, lovely staff! One of my favourite hotels I’ve stayed in. Cant wait to return with some friends/family and enjoy more of the experiences the hotel has to offer!

Čudovit hotel, prijazno osebje! Eden mojih najljubših hotelov, v katerem sem bival. Komaj čakam, da se vrnem s prijatelji/družino in uživam v dodatnih izkušnjah, ki jih hotel ponuja!

11 August 2023

Lovely place to stay. We had the smallest room, but that was so cosy and perfect with the double shower and the view was amazing on the lake and the mountains. Also the food in your restaurant blows me away. The menu was excellent!! A big compliment to the chef.
We had an unforgettable stay.

Lep hotel za bivanje. Imeli smo najmanjšo sobo, vendar je bila tako udobna in popolna z dvojno prho in čudovitim razgledom na jezero in gore. Tudi hrana v vaši restavraciji me je navdušila. Jedilnik je bil odličen!! Velik kompliment za chefa.
Imeli smo nepozabno bivanje.

Kris V.
5 August 2023
Jasna Lake

Not just another Alpine Lake

Boutique Hotel and Restaurant Milka is located by Lake Jasna. It is one of those picturesque lakes every Slovenian holds dear. Lake Jasna lies in the foothills of our most prominent alpine pass, drenched in history, while offering amazing vistas in whichever direction you happen to go.

In every weather and all seasons, the scenery is so dreamy it inspired our visual creators to incorporate its colours and the elements in our overall graphic interpretation.

Kranjska Gora is our closest social hub and crossroads to interior Slovenia, Austria and Italy, where you can continue exploring the alpine activities or gourmet explorations of the wider area.

alpine boutique

DESIGN & Architecture

Our approach is to be responsible to the environment, our surroundings and the people we work with. In this spirit, our architectural goal was to portray the scenery of the Alpine area inside our hotel & restaurant as well.

Interior design had to answer the alpine character of the architecture, resulting in a snug blend of elements.

The hallmark of our endeavour was including local artisans to further enhance the regional Slovene presence as a final touch to the entire project.

active lifestyle year-round

flexibilty of choice

The mountain playground that surrounds us is vast. We are very passionate about an active lifestyle and fortunate to have this potential at our doorstep all year round. Sharing this passion with our visitors is one of our missions, so we combined forces with the best in the industry to provide you with a bespoke service for exploring our surroundings.



The fact that we are in this breathtakingly preserved environment shows the care of previous generations. Our task is to keep up the good work for those who come after us. Thus the care for people and the planet goes beyond just an idea.

Emphasis was put on proximity. The crossroads between the Alps and the Mediterranean means we live in a region full of creative minds and ample options we could look to. Here are a few examples:

  • Food & Wine: Quality is never jeopardised. Regionality and diversity is the name of the game. We source all our items from within the 100km radius of our property, some ingredients even come from nearby farms only a few minutes away.
  • Water: Slovenia is known for its water quality and there is no match to the one that comes to the surface in the Alps. We wanted to minimise the impact of transported and bottled water because we have the luxury of being near a good source.
  • Room Amenities: All our cosmetics are animal friendly and hand-made in Slovenia from carefully chosen natural ingredients. Check out our recycled slippers, too. Both are products that speak quality, and which people love taking home and using again. And again.

We are proud of these endeavours. We are aware that responsibility does not end there, but continues to be our guiding principle for everything we are yet to do.

Recent from our journal